
Climbing documentary.
Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker and their experience with czech sandstone.

Lezecký dokument.
Tom Randall a Pete Whittaker, známější jako Wide Boyz a jejich zkušenost s českými pískovci.

Adršpach 2016

Osvícení / Enlightenment

site-specific installation
public intervention

In cooperation with Vojtěch Frohlich, Ondřej Mladý, Vladimír Turner

Reinstalace nočního osvětlení big boardu využitého k nasvícení sochy "Rovnováha" od Josefa Klimeše.
Reinstallation the lights for big board advertisement, used for lighting the sculpture "Equilibria" from sculptor Josef Klimeš. 

Prague 2012

photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/signaler/sets/72157631752383842/


Light / interventions

Geometrické - světelné kompozice v interiéru nočního lesa.

Geometrical - light compositions in the interior of nihgt forets.

Tma / The Dark

Galerie U Rytíře, Liberec

The Knight Gallery,
Liberec 2011

that slackline girl

Short video portrait of Faith Dickey

Fire / interventions

Noční fotografie ohněm nasvícenéých lesních situací.

Night photographs of forest interiors with the use of fire - light.


Ve spolupráci s Vojěchem Frohlichem
site-specific instalace, vyjmutí 9 okenních skel
Chtěli jsme otevřít prostor galerie a zvýraznit tak rozdíl mezi průhledem okny a čistým pohledem na stromy a nebe. Trochu galerii vyvětrat, zažít si prázdno a pocit při kterém už něco není, nebo je jinak. Výstavu jsme věnovali zesnulému Bohumíru Prokůpkovi.

(in cooperation with Vojtěch Fröhlich)

site-specific installation, displacement of 9 glass windows
galerie Gavu, Prague, 2009 We took out 9 windowpanes of the framework of the gallery window. 

We wanted to open the space of the gallery and accentuate the difference between the view through the windows and a clear look on the trees and sky. We wanted to bring a little bit of freash air in the gallery too.  

I´m not here anymore

Detailní nekonečná studie textury kůry stromu..

Detailed endless study of the texture of the peel of a tree..

xxx love


Jabloň / Apple tree

20 letá jabloň rozřezaná a zpět sestavená do autentického exaktního schématu na 27 sololitových deskách. Od kmene, větších větví a větviček až po pupeny ve vertikálním, do sebe prorůstajícím vztahu.

  A 20 years old aplle tree sliced on 27 wodden desks. From the big branches to the smallest browses at the end in the exact structure of the way the tree has grown. They are vertically conected.

Kolotoč / Marry-Go-Round, 2011

Barrandovský most, Prague, 2011
with Vojtěch Frohlich, Ondřej Mladý and Vladimír Turner

making of video  

49% OUCH 51% YEAH

Galerie Školská, Praha
Společně s Ladislavem Babuščákem


Školská Gallery, Prague 
In cooperation with Ladislav Babuščák


Jan Šimánek

*20. 09. 1981 in Turnov, Czech

Tel: +420 776 713 697
Driving licence A, C, D, T

2005 – 20011 Film and TV school of academy of performing arts in Prague
MgA in Photography

Group exhibitions /selection/
2012 - Zootropio videoart festival, Porto, Portugal
2011 - Young Emerging Artists, Chung Ang art centre, Seoul, Korea
2011 – 2011 - Flaming, cruel, beautiful and light pink, Embassy of Czech Republic in Berlin
2011 – Unbearable lightness of being, AM 180, Prague
2010 – Paper Heads, Trafačka Gallery, Prague
2010 – Lidice, (exhibition of FAMU), Lidice Gallery
2009 - Traces&Records, 8th Funke’s Kolín photography festival, Školská 28, Prague
2009 – Cesta s BP, Gallery GAMU, Prague
2008 – Tints of communism, gallery GAMU, Prague 
2008 – GAME, Gallery GAMU, Praha
2007 – Six, Czech Schools of Photography, House of  Photography, Prague

Solo Exhibitions
2011 - Dark, (in colaboration with Ondřej Bouška), Knight Gallery, Liberec
2010 - Silence suivant, ESAV Gallery, Toulouse, France
2009 - Injury, Kolín Gallery, Kolín
2009 - ///////// /, (in colaboration with Vojtěchech Fröhlich), Gallery GAVU, Prague
2008 - 41% OUCH 51%YEAH (in colaboration with Ladislav Babuščák), Gallery Školská 28, Prague

2003 – 2004 production of KULTUDUMDUM festival, Turnov
2010 – founding of Kletterkiddies production, platform specialized in extreeme sports documentations

Audiovisual activities
Several short climbing documents made for the Czech climbing union /production, photography, editng/
2012 - The man of the full moon – director of photography - in editing process.

Work experience
Art director in Kletterkiddies productions since 2010, working with various subjects on the market of photography and web

Computer skills
Microsoft: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro

Foreign languages
English: experienced level
German: experienced level